2007 August shows HOME
2007-08-05 | 2007-08-19 | 2007-08-26
2007-08-05 Ungawa
106.7 FM
(45s from Bo to By)
1 => bobby & billy => georgie
beatnik => 7" on His Master's Voice 7MF20013 '59
2 => jimmy bowen => ever lovin' fingers => 7" on Roulette R-4001 '57
3 => ronnie brent => my sweet verlene => 7" on United Artists UA108X '58
4 => graham bond => springtime in the city => 7" on Warner Brothers WV5139 '6.
5 => booker t & the mg's => slum baby => 7" on Stax STA-0049 '6.
6 => les boozers => bonsoir baby => 7" on CBS 2269 '66
7 => andre brasseur => pow wow => 7" on Palette PB S-25833 '68
8 => boulou => roll 'em pete => 7"EP on Barclay 70743 '6.
9 => joe brown => mrs. o's theme => 7" on Pye 45PV15267 '6.
10 => los bravos => bring a little lovin' => 7" on Tiffany TIF545 '69?
11 => brian => the girl who plays the bass guitar => 7" on Ronnex R1406 '70
12 => the british walkers => that was yesterday => 7" on Cameo Parkway C-466
13 => charles hilton brown => mocoto' => 7" on Durium 7713 '71
14 => billy brown, derek dean & the freshmen => papa oom mow mow => 7" on
Supreme S6003 '77
15 => the gamblers feat. big brown => hello mr. brown => 7" on Palette PB40126
16 => oscar brown jr => but i was cool => 7" on Columbia 4-41870 '60
17 => roy brown => let the four winds blow => 7" on Imperial AI-5439
18 => bruno & his brunos => urlo rock => 7" on Pop PO45.S238 '60?
19 => john buck & his blazers => forbidden city => 7" on Warner Brothers 5194
20 => watson t. browne & the explosive => i close my eyes => 7" on President
PT211 '68
21 => eric burdon & the animals => when i was young => 7" on Barclay 060803 '6.
22 => edd byrnes => kookie's mad pad => 7" on Warner Brothers 5087 '59
23 => alex busanel => tu ne viens pas => 7" on New Music NMC2095 '6.
24 => the butterflys => good night baby => 7" on Vogue DV14814 '64
25 => the johnny buzon trio => side saddle => 7" on Liberty F-55189 '59
2007-08-19 One Size
Fits All 106.7
(Punk 45s with an "S")
1 => stiff little fingers => you
can't say crap on the radio => 7" on Chrysalis CHS2368 '79
2 => sham 69 => sunday morning nightmare => 7" on Polydor 2059-050 '78
3 => soggy => 47 chromosomes => 7" on GIG 007 '83
4 => son of sam => jack-off love => 7" on Behemoth U-18459 '79?
5 => spizzenergi => amnesia => 7" on Rough Trade RTSO 4 '79
6 => subway sect => ambition => 7" on Rough Trade RT007 '78
7 => the softies => suicide pilot => 7" on Poker POS15051 '78
8 => shock => overseas => 7" on Impact IM501 '78
9 => slaughter & the dogs => you're a bore => 7" on Decca F-13723 '77
10 => the statics => the scurge of white center => 7"EP on Real REAL101 '94
11 => the spastics => cherry pop => 7" on Rip Off RO-021 '94
12 => the spoiled brats => jackie's never comin' back => 7" on RO-002 '93
13 => thee stash => we're selling jeans for the usa => 7" on Get Hip GH-155 '93
14 => sonic dolls => havana affair => 7" on All Star Manufacturing ASM-004 '03
15 => the snipers => 3 piece => 7" on Crass 321984/4 '81
16 => subhumans => animal => 7"EP on Spiderleg SDL3 '81
17 => swell maps => let's build a car => 7" on Rough Trade RT036 '79
18 => chris spedding & the vibrators => pogo dancing => 7" on Rak 2C006-98449
19 => the sex pistols & ronald biggs => no one is innocent => 7" on Virgin
VS-220 '78
20 => shop assistants => looking back => 7" on Blue Guitar AZUR2 '86
21 => the smears => shout! => 7"EP on Hell Yeah HELL14 '93
22 => stiff little fingers => '78rpm => 7" on Rough Trade RT004 '78
23 => thee strapons => tokyo striptease => 7"EP on Kato
24 => suffocate => i killed laura palmer => 7"EP Rad 91 '91
25 => sham 69 => borstal breakout => 7" on Polydor 2058 966 '78
2007-08-19 Ungawa 106.7
(45s from C to Ca)
1 => earl cadillac => l'age
atomique => 7" on Vogue V45-36 '5.
2 => al caiola => theme from the man from uncle => 7"EP on United Artists
UEP1018 '65
3 => the camelots => the chase => 7" on Club 3028 '6.
4 => the caravels => caravan => 7" on Tex 061
5 => richard cannon => st-louis blues => 7" on Capitol 45-CL-14968 '58
6 => freddie cannon => boston my home town => 7" on Top Rank 45-HTR-565 '6.
7 => tony casanova => showdown => 7" on Doré 535 '58
8 => cannibal & the headhunters => land of 1000 dances => 7" on Moonglow M5270
9 => the capitols => take a chance on me baby => 7" on Karen 1534 '66
10 => the caterpillars => hello happy happy goodbye => 7" on Cash C1710 '6.
11 => alvin cash => feel so good => 7" on President PT129 '67
12 => the camel drivers => give it a try => 7" on Top Dog B-200 '68
13 => canned heat => low down => 7" on Liberty 2C006-90089 '69
14 => george cates => the third man theme => 7" on Dot 916376 '6.
15 => ruben calzado => tico tico cha cha => 7"EP on Palette EPP7213 '5.
16 => caterina und silvio => bongo cha cha cha => 7"EP on Decca DX2102 '59
17 => the carnival => walk on by => 7" on Liberty 2C006-90684 '70?
18 => guido carnagy => desert patrol => 7" on Polydor 2051008
19 => clem cattini ork => impact => 7" on Decca 23611 '65
20 => capt groovy & his bubblegum army => dark part of my mind pt1 => 7" on
Super K SK4 '69
21 => cannibal & the headhunters => out of sight => 7" on Rampart 654 '66
22 => the catalinas => flyin formation with you => 7" on Back Beat 513 '58
23 => freddie cannon => transistor sister => 7" on Eric 263 '6.
24 => the carousels => the run-run => 7" on Pye 45PV15270 '64?
25 => clarence carter => snatching it back => 7" on Atlantic 45-2605 '6.
26 => al caiola => the fugitive theme => 7"EP on United Artists UEP1018 '65
1 => nai bonet => jelly belly =>
7" on Karate 45-532 '66
2 => count yates => chimpanzee => 7" on Penniman PENN45013
3 => teresa brewer => mutual admiration society => 7" on Coral 9-61737 '56
4 => henri salvador => ela diz que tem => 7"EP on Philips 432.227BE '5.
5 => jack hammer & the pacers => black widow spider woman => comp "Desperate
rock 'n' roll vol 3" Flame 103CD '07 (orig. '59)
6 => nai bonet => the seventh veil => 7" on Karate 45-532 '66
7 => bracey everett => the lover's curse => comp "Desperate rock 'n' roll vol 3"
Flame 103CD '07 (orig. '59)
8 => the new mason dixons => back-up => comp "Desperate rock 'n' roll vol 3"
Flame 103CD '07 (orig. '59?)
9 => marsha gee => peanut duck => 7" on Penniman PENN45013
10 => christian mery => beatles parody => comp "La France et les Beatles vol 5"
Magic 393032 '07
11 => francoise wertheimer => l'automne => comp "La discotheque psychedelique"
Boss-a-tone BAT005 '07 (orig. '71)
12 => gene latter => teh old iron bell => comp "La discotheque psychedelique"
Boss-a-tone BAT005 '07 (orig. '69)
13 => the jam => start! => 7" on Polydor 2059266 '80
14 => buzzcocks => friends of mine => 7"EP on New Hormones ORG-1 '77
15 => pawnshop => my shade => comp "La discotheque psychedelique" Boss-a-tone
BAT005 '07 (orig. '71)
16 => mysteryboy => time you came down => CD "Treasure saucer" Psiencelab PS001
17 => spencer mac => better by you better than me => comp "La discotheque
psychedelique" Boss-a-tone BAT005 '07 (orig. '69)
18 => birth control => what's your name => comp "La discotheque psychedelique"
Boss-a-tone BAT005 '07 (orig. '72)
19 => dany martin => er is geen reden => comp "La discotheque psychedelique"
Boss-a-tone BAT005 '07 (orig. '67)
20 => rickey allen => cut you a-loose => comp "Desperate rock 'n' roll vol 3"
Flame 103CD '07 (orig. '60)
21 => johnny gentry => nineteen years => comp "Desperate rock 'n' roll vol 3"
Flame 103CD '07 (orig. '60)
22 => the ghost => i've got to get to know you => comp "La discotheque
psychedelique" Boss-a-tone BAT005 '07 (orig. '70)
23 => tony ritchie => could you really live without her => comp "La discotheque
psychedelique" Boss-a-tone BAT005 '07 (orig. '68)