2008 April shows HOME
2008-04-06 | 2008-04-13 | 2008-04-20 | 2008-04-27
2008-04-06 Ungawa 106.7 FM
(45s Part 11 - from D to Da)
1 => micky day & les
caravelles => creep => 7" on Philips 319795PF '68
2 => i dalton => il giro => 7" on General Sound Company GS1 '6. (="The
3 => billie davis => i want you to be my baby => 7" on Decca 26189 '6.
4 => spencer davis group => don't want you no more => 7" on Fontana 297740TF
5 => the darwin's theory => daytime => 7" on Major Minor MM503 '66
6 => jean-claude darnal => le cosmonaute => 7"EP on Vogue EPL8530 '67
7 => joe dassin => les dalton => 7"EP on CBS EP6350 '6.
8 => daddy dewdrop => chick-a-boom => 7" on Stateside 4C006-92521
9 => sammy davis jr => i like the way you dance => 7" on United Artists UA25847
10 => david the red sea singer => sometimes i feel like a motherless child =>
7" on Whamm PS015
11 => wes dakus => las vegas scene => 7" on Swan S-4206L '65
12 => the daniels => next night => 7" on Barclay 62947
13 => the dakotas => magic carpet => 7" on Parlophone R5064 '63
14 => al davis & the gunshots => ricky tic => 7" on Manco ML1052 '64
15 => ronnie dawson => my big desire => 7" on Fast 3035
16 => terry daly & the nu-tones => you don't bug me => 7" on Mark M122 '5.
17 => dave day => suzanne my love => 7" on Fee Bee FB-212 '57
18 => sonny day => beyond the shadow of a doubt => 7" on ABC-Paramount 45-9950
19 => dick dale & the del-tones => the scavenger => 7" on Capitol 5048 '63
20 => billy davis & the legends => spunky onions => 7" on Peacock 5-1694 '60
21 => davy jr. & the guess who => everybody's allright => 7" on Ronnex 1393 '69
22 => daisy clan => glory be => 7" on Golden12 G12/96 '70
23 => dalida => petit elephant twist => 7" on Barclay 60377 (="Baby elephant
1 => the coasters
=> three cool cats => 7" on London 45HLE8819 '59
2 => kay martin & her bodyguards => fever => 7"EP on Roulette HEPR104 '58
3 => the crystals => brother julius => 7" on Philles 115 '63
4 => kay martin & her bodyguards => johnny guitar => 7"EP on Roulette HEPR104
5 => chet atkins => one mint julep => 7" on RCA 47-7684
6 => rene hall => cleo => comp "Feline groovy" Ace CDCHD1168 '08 (orig. '58)
7 => the black albinos => shish kebab => 7" on Columbia DS1046
8 => the dave clark 5 => chaquita => 7" on Columbia SCMH5151 '62
9 => chet atkins => teensville => 7" on RCA 47-7684
10 => kay martin & her bodyguards => summertime => 7"EP on Roulette HEPR104 '58
11 => the clungels => geen cent!! => 7" on Artone OS-25337 '66
12 => het cocktail trio => alley oop => 7" on Omega 9-35394 '6.
13 => little willie john => leave my kitten alone => comp "Feline groovy" Ace
CDCHD1168 '08 (orig. '59)
14 => pussycat => mais pourquoi => comp "Mondo Girls" Mondogirls 001 '06 (="You're
no good)
15 => ben cash => my generation => 7" on Pye DV14457 '6.
16 => we the people => my brother the man => 7" on Hotline 3680 (orig. '66)
17 => the clungels => dat had ik nog nooit gedaan => 7" on Artone OS-25337 '66
18 => ben cash => it's my life => 7" on Pye DV14457 '6.
19 => norma tanega => walkin' my cat named dog => comp "Feline groovy" Ace
CDCHD1168 '08 (orig. '66)
20 => stella => achete des disques americains => comp "Mondo Girls" Mondogirls
001 '06
21 => jacqueline francois => mon oncle => 7" on Philips B372594F '57
22 => jamie ross => let's do the cat => comp "Feline groovy" Ace CDCHD1168 '08 (orig.
23 => maria dallas => ambush => comp "Mondo Girls" Mondogirls 001 '06 (orig.
24 => kay martin & her bodyguards => the heel => 7"EP on Roulette HEPR104 '58
2008-04-20 Ungawa 106.7 FM
("Tarantino Terror on Ten Inch" show)
1 =>
the legendary tiger man => naked blues => 10" "Naked blues"
Munster MR252 '0.
2 => don croissant => boogie with the doctor => 10" "Boogie with the bluestiger"
Rowyna RWV0002 '00
3 => the country teasers => bitches fuck off => 10" "Country teasers" Crypt
LP11590 '9.
4 => king khan & his shrines => torture => 10" "Smash hits" Vicious Circle
RV-888LP '02
5 => the lost movements => i feel groovy => 10" "Drag me up" Lonerstar LS-012
6 => the fuzztones => caught you red-handed => 10" "Boom" Cargo 90020MLP '06
7 => the smears => cum into my mouth => 10" "In the garage" Dionysus ID123328
8 => thee headcoatees => have love will travel => 10" Taylor meets thee
Headcoatees" Lissy's LISS29 '98
9 => pete moore => green onions => 10" "Soundsational vol 2" Earful ER1002
10 => harry stoneham quintet => the raver => 10" "Soundsational vol 3" Earful
11 => the goldfingers => poupee de cire, poupee de son => 10" Beat express vol
4" Op Art OAMLP007
12 => sektrevolver => les cactus => 10" "Haute fidelite" Deck8 '99
13 => caterina valente => 39 de fievre => 10" "A l'Olympia de Paris" Decca
133893 '5.
14 => los saicos => demolicion => 10" "Wild teen punk from Peru 1965" Electro
Harmonix EH05 '
15 => los yaki => de dia y de noche => 10" El sonido agresivo de Los Yaki"
Electro Harmonix EH027
16 => los monstruos => junto a mi => 10" "Sonido ambiental" Electro Harmonix
17 => los monjes => batman => 10" "Los Monjes" Electro Harmonix Eh033
18 => los batboys => batman => 10" "Temas de peliculas de la tv americana"
Electro Harmonis EH011
19 => barry gray orchestra => stingray => 10" "No strings attached" PRT DOW3 '80
20 => los checkmates => i'm a believer => 10" "Lo mejor de..." Electro Harmonix
21° => los shain's => fever => 10" El ritmo de los Shain's" Electro Harmonix
22° => perez prado => caballo negro => 10" Perez Prado encores" La Voix De Son
Maitre FFLP1029
23° => the whodads => skahara => 10" "Music to travel by" Kinky Star KSLP009
1 => the mods => don't bring
me down => 7" on Omega 35465
2 => the golden earrings => the words i need => 7" on International 421023 '65
3 => the skope => from => 7" on Fontana 278136YF
4 => the mods => baby please don't go => 7" on Omega 35465
5 => johnny kendall & the heralds => girl => 7" on RCA-Victor 47-9654
6 => brian poole & the tremeloes => i wish i could dance => 7" on Decca F11823
7 => the tombstones => i want you => 7" on Grave 1001 '66
8 => things to come => sweet gina => 7" on Starfire 103 '66
9 => jimi hendrix & curtis knight => flashing => 7" on London FLX3197 '68
10 => curtis mayfield => get down => 7" on Buddah 610074 '71
11 => jr walker & the all stars => monkey jump => 7" on Artone GO45.244 '66
12 => jr walker & the all stars => gimme that beat pt2 => 7" on Tamla-Motown
13 => the isley brothers => little miss sweetness => 7" on Tamla-Motown
1C006.90641 '66
14 => dee dee sharp => mashed potato time => 7" on Columbia SCMH5113 '62
15 => the butlers => butler's theme => 7" on Lost-Nite LN-238 '6.
16 => the crocheted doughnut ring => happy castle => 7" on Deram DM169 '67
17 => the golden earrings => that day => 7" on International 421023 '65
18 => the valiants => frieda frieda => 7" on Keen 3-4026 '6.
19 => santo & johnny => summertime => 7" on CNR A9010 '60
20 => the sunliners => the islander => 7" on Ronnex R1293 '62
21 => santo & johnny => caravan => 7" on CNR A9010 '60
22 => francoise hardy => peter und lou => 7" on Vogue DV14041 '63 (= "Tous les
garcons et les filles")
23 => francoise hardy => find me a boy => 7"EP on Vogue EPL8207 '63 (= "Tous les
garcons et les filles")
24 => francoise hardy => et meme => 7" on Pye 7N15740 '64