2011 February shows HOME
| 2011-02-13 | 2011-02-20 | 2011-02-27
1 => maledictus
sound => cambronne => Finders Keepers 45 '09
2 => art => i think i'm going weird => Island LP '67
3 => vic upshaw => popcorn crazy => DiscAZ 45
4 => henri salvador => erotico-vieillot => Rigolo EP
5 => suzanne gabriello => votez hein bon => Barclay EP
6 => the golden harmonettes => girl across the street
=> Boddie 45
7 => don gregory => never let you go => Boddie 45
8 => ben e. king => don't play that song => Atlantic 45
9 => bobby darin => tell me how do you feel => Atlantic
10 => the cramps => faster pussycat => New Rose 45 '83
11 => nina hagen => my way => CBS 45 '80
12 => velvet underground => temptation inside your heart
=> Sundazed 45
13 => la linea => linea tre jazz rapido => Crippled
Dick Hot Wax LP
14 => the duke of burlington => black panther => Maxi
15 => jerry merrit => buffalo grass => Psychodelic LP
16 => the blizzards => blizzards => Fontana LP
17 => the wind childs => closer to you => Psychodelic
18 => orquestra y coro => la momia de titanes => Moi
J'Connais LP
19 => the blizzards => dr. jekyll => Fontana LP
20 => art => alive not dead => Island LP
21 => vic upshaw => popcorn lesson => DiscAZ 45
22 => d. spade & co => just you and i =>
Psychodelic LP
Ungawa 106.7 FM
(2-hours show)
1 => the alan bown
=> magic handkerchief => Music Factory 45 '68
2 => astronauts => in dreams => Halagala 45 '66
3 => the john barry seven => bee's knees => Parlophone
45 '58
4 => the john barry seven => get lost jack frost =>
Parlophone 45 '60
5 => bob & jerry => ghost satellite => Pye 45 '58
6 => the buddy brennan quartet => the chase => London
American 45 '59
7 => ray cathode => waltz in orbit => Parlophone '57
8 => johnny cash => tall men => Philips 45 '61
9 => sonny curtis => a beatle i want to be => Colpix 45
10 => bo diddley => we're gonna get married => Chess 45
11 => bill doggett => jackrabbit => Warner Bros 45 '60
12 => frank d'rone => strawberry blonde => Mercury 45
13 => johnny duncan & the blue grass band => geisha
girl => Columbia 45 '58
14 => the george garabedian players => morocco =>
Mark56 45 '60
15 => gene & eunice => ko-ko-mo => Phoenix 45 '74
16 => johnny keating => theme from é-cars => Picadilly
45 '62
17 => peter jay & the jaywalkers => redskins =>
Decca 45 '62
18 => peter jay & the jaywalkers => the parade of the
tin soldiers => Decca 45 '63
19 => the kinks => sittin' on my sofa => Pye 45 '66
20 => the kinks => come on now => Pye 45 '65
21 => the jimi hendrix experience => the stars that play
with laughing sam's dice => Track 45 '67
22 => bonnie lou => one track love => King 45 '55
23 => ken mackintosh => creeping tom => His Master's
Voice 45
24 => clyde mcphatter => you're for me => Mercury 45
25 => nervous norvus => wild dog of kentucky => Dot 45
26 => ralph marterie => bwana => Mercury 45
27 => the packabeats => gypsy beat => Parlophone 45 '61
28 => the peddlers => steel mill => CBS 45 '69
29 => the peddlers => let the sun shine in => Philips
45 '64
30 => mike pedicin quintet => hotter than a pistol =>
RCA-Victor 45
31 => mike pedicin quinted => gotta twist => His
Master's Voice 45 '62
32 => peppi => the skip => Decca 45 '65
33 => the pony-tails => born too late => His Master's
Voice 45 '58
34 => the quarter notes => record hop blues => Wizz 45
35 => elvis presley => spinout => RCA-Victor 45 '66
36 => the redjacks => big brown eyes => Apt 45 '58
37 => the pretty things => can't stand the pain =>
Fontana 45 '65
38 => bill doggett => let's do the hully gully twist =>
Warner Bros 45 '60
39 => ray cathode => time beat => Parlophone 45 '57
40 => the george garabedian players => angel on the beach
=> Mark56 45 '60
41 => johnny duncan & the blue grass band => my lucky
love => Columbia 45 '58
42 => the quarter notes => suki-yaki-rocki => Wizz 45
43 => sounds inc. => sounds like locomotion => Decca 45
44 => the roulettes => find out the truth => Parlophone
45 '65
45 => the sunspots => paella => Decca 45 '63
46 => sue thompson => walkin' my baby => Hickory 45
47 => bobby timmons => moanin' => Riverside 45
48 => the sunspots => vancouver => Decca 45 '63
49 => sounds inc. => taboo => Decca 45 '62
50 => the trade winds => club seventeen => Red Bird 45
1 => junior byles
=> fever => Black Art 45
2 => she trinity => he fought the law => Columbia 45
3 => the jokers => till my girl => Reward 45 '69
4 => darla hood => ah sweet mystery of life => Acama 45
5 => the merseybeats => the fortune teller => Fontana
45 '63
6 => johnny shadow & danny gavan => golli golli =>
Pye 45
7 => the big three => cavern stomp => Decca 45 '63
8 => trini lopez => unchain my heart => Reprise 45
9 => al saxon => you're the top-cha => Fontana 45 '59
10 => terry dene => love me or leave me => Oriole 45
11 => jack scott => cool water => Top Rank 45 '60
12 => hank thompson => rockin' in the congo => Capitol
13 => the velvets => tonight could be the night =>
London 45 '61
14 => the young idea => colours of darkness => Columbia
45 '67
15 => bintangs => hound is on the run => Decca 45
16 => the pretty things => we'll be together => Fontana
45 '66
17 => sharkey todd & the monsters => the horror show
=> Parlophone EP '59
18 => winifred atwell => spaceship boogie => Decca EP
19 => gene vincent => lotta lovin' => Capitol 45
20 => tom & jerry => baby talk => Gala 45 '59
21 => tracey pendarvis => one of these days => Scott 45
22 => les sharp => hip => Concord 45
23 => sharkey todd & the monsters => cool gool =>
Parlophone EP '59
24 => peppi => do the skip => Decca 45 '65
Ungawa 106.7 FM
(2-hours show)
1 => the playmates
=> beep beep => Columbia 45
2 => ricky nelson => my babe => London 45
3 => hank ballard => broadway => King 45 '62
4 => the gee-tones => when in love do as lovers do =>
Gee 45 '63
5 => lulu reed => what makes you so cold => Federal 45
6 => the la dell sisters => rockin' robert => Jive 45
7 => carol ford => your well ran dry => Federal 45 '64
8 => lindsay crosby => one chocolate soda with two straws
=> Fed 45 '58
9 => maria knight => i thought i told you not to tell them
=> Fed 45
10 => roy milton => one zippy zam => King 45 '61
11 => little bobby moore => do the ginger snap =>
Federal 45 '62
12 => hot lips page => last call for alcohol => Home
Party 45 '52
13 => freddie king => texal oil => Federal 45 '62
14 => joey castle & the daddy-o's => rock and rock
daddy-o => Headline 45 '59
15 => eddie kirk => hog killin' time => King 45 '64
16 => shirley caddel => the big bounce => Fed 45 '57
17 => the hewett sisters => baby-o => His Master's
Voice 45 '59
18 => eugene church => mind your own business => King
45 '61
19 => willie dixon & the big wheels => uncle willy's
got a thing going on => Federal 45 '64
20 => johnny guitar watson => posin' => King 45 '61
21 => the cannonballs => lullaby of birdland => Coral
45 '60
22 => the drivers => mr. astronaut => King 45 '62
23 => el pauling & royal abbit => here it 'tis right
here => Federal 45 '61
24 => charles brown => regardless => King 45 '67
25 => love childs afro cuban blues band => life and death
in g&a => Roulette 45 '75
26 => calimbo steel band => limbo => Vocalion EP '61
27 => mike redway = bossa nova baby => Embassey 45 '63
28 => alma cogan => mambo italiano => His Master's
Voice 45 '61
29 => tommy bruce => babette => Columbia 45 '62
30 => the islanders => tornado => Top Rank 45 '60
31 => the ventures => solar race => Liberty 45 '63
32 => the galaxies => my tattle tale => Fed 45
33 => the zombies => woman => Decca 45 '64
34 => dickey lee => i saw linda yesterday => Smash 45
35 => lloyd nolan => i don't know about you => King 45
36 => little emmett sutton => mom, won't you teach me to
monkey => Federal 45 '63
37 => little eva => let's turkey trot => London 45 '63
38 => little mummy => where you at jack => King 45 '60
39 => the 5 royales => the slummer the slum => King 45
40 => the valentines => that's it man => King 45 '60
41 => freddy king => home away => Parlophone 45 '61
42 => bobby smith => bevy mae => Fox 45 '60
43 => lord rockingham's xi => blue train => Decca 45
44 => lord rockingham's xi => fried onions => Decca 45
45 => the ventures => penetration => Liberty 45 '63
46 => the renaults => stella => Warner Bros 45 '60
47 => calimbo steel band => yellow bird => Vocalion EP
48 => sounds incorporated => bullets => Columbia 45 '64
49 => the contrasts => i can't get you out of my mind
=> Parlophone 45 '64
50 => the cannonballs => calliope boogie => Coral 45