2012 July shows HOME
2012-07-15 Ungawa
106.7 FM (2-hours show)
(45s from WILL… to WOOD...: pt73)
1 => jerry williams &
dynamite brass => boogaloo baby => Stateside 45
2 => robert williams & the groovers => loud mufflers
=> Tip Top 45
3 => wayne williams & the sure shots => red hot mama
=> Sure 45
4 => chuck willis => c c rider => Atlantic 45
5 => rod willis => the cat => N.R.C. 45
6 => the will-o-bees => if you're ready => Date 45
7 => tommy wills => night train '66 style => Air Town
8 => wilmer & the dukes => get out of my life, women
=> Aphrodisiac 45
9 => al wilson => the snake => Bell 45
10 => jackie wilson => am i the man => Brunswick 45
11 => jerry wilson => doin't the thing => Prann 45
12 => nancy wilson => uptight => Capitol 45
13 => wind => groovin' with mr. bloe => Life 45
14 => kai winding => comin' home baby => Verve 45
15 => ron winters & the patriots => back in the usa
=> Colpix 45
16 => les witchdoctors => uh huh => Barclay EP
17 => max woiski jr. => bongo tune => flexi 45
18 => wombat => i'm gettin' on life => Gemni 45
19 => bobby womack => broadway walk => Liberty 45
20 => stevie wonder => everytime i see you i go wild
=> Tamla-Motown 45
21 => the wonder who? => sassy => Philips 45
22 => brenton wood => psychotic reaction => Belladisc
Italiana 45
23 => chuck wood => soul shing-a-ling => Roulette 45
24 => the woodchunks => angry generation => Prince 45
25 => nick waterhouse => don't you forget it =>
Innovative Leisure LP
26 => nick waterhouse => i can only give you everything
=> Innovative Leisure LP
27 => jack white => weep themselves to sleep => Third
Man LP
28 => cheap freaks => asahara's nightmare => Big Neck
29 => gonn => blackout of gretely => Emir 45
30 => gonn => don't need your lovin' => Dirty Water
31 => the sorrows => no no no no => Pye 45
32 => the poets => that's the way it's got to be =>
See For Miles LP
33 => the barracudas => next time around => Flicknife
34 => the barracudas => i wish it could be 1965 again
35 => the felines => boots => hey girl! EP
36 => freddy robinson => five feet of lovin' => Sheik
37 => guitar jr => roll roll roll => Sheik LP
38 => the fortnum => look the other way => Mondo
Inferno LP
39 => pietro duchi => yugo man => Mondo Inferno LP
40 => the vibrations => wallflower => Sheik LP
41 => dukays => night owl => Sheik LP
42 => the felines => the sneak => Hey Girl! EP
43 => nick waterhouse => some place => Innovative
Leisure LP
2012-07-29 Ungawa
106.7 FM (2-hours show)
(45s from Woody to Young: pt74)
1 => don woody =>
barking up the wrong tree => MCA 45
2 => wool => love love love love love => demo 45
3 => the woolies => who do you love => Dunhill 45
4 => john woolley & just born => you're lying =>
Ronnex 45
5 => world of oz => the muffin man => Deram 45
6 => link wray & his ray men => the black widow
=> Swan 45
7 => dale wright & his wright boys => that's showbiz
=> Fraternity 45
8 => steve wright => searching => Atco 45
9 => o.v. wright => don't let my baby ride => Back
Beat 45
10 => ross d. wylie => do the uptight => A&M 45
11 => wynder k. frog => sunshine superman => Fontana
12 => george young & the rockin' bocs => the sneak
=> Cameo 45
13 => hrach yacoubian => harem twist => London 45
14 => los yaki => nadie come yo => Capitol EP
15 => los yeti => gloria => Munster EP
16 => dennis yost & the classics iv => spooky =>
United Artists 45
17 => jean yanne => les emancipations d'alphonse =>
Barclay EP
18 => the yardbirds => i'm not talking => Epic 45
19 => year one => eli's comin' => Major Minor 45
20 => mighty joe young => voo doo dust => Webcor 45
21 => young-holt unlimited => doin' the thing =>
Brunswick 45
22 => lonnie youngblood => african twist pt1 =>
Warner Bros 45
23 => colin young => you're no good => Uni 45
24 => the crucibles => you know i do => Mad Town 45
25 => the haunted => eight o'clock this morning =>
Amy 45
26 => the reasons why => don't be that way => Sound
Track 45
27 => the fabs => that's the bag i'm in => Cotton
Ball 45
28 => the es shades => without my love => United
Audio 45
29 => the fanatics => i will not be lonely => Gina 45
30 => the haunted => 1-2-5 => Amy 45
31 => davie allan & the arrows => born losers theme
=> Get Hip 45
32 => the fabs => dinah wants religion => Cotton Ball
33 => the crucibles => beware of birds => Mad Town 45
34 => the es shades => anyday, anywhere => United
Audio 45
35 => davie allan & the arrows => the glory stompers
=> Get Hip 45
36 => the boots => alexander => Telefunken 45
37 => nino ferrer => les hommes a tout faire =>
Riviera EP
38 => ernie freeman => theme from igor => Imperial 45
39 => ronnie martin => baby you're mine => Billie
Fran 45
40 => the blisters => cookie rockin' in her stockings
=> Audition 45
41 => jerry ross => everybody's tryin' => Murco 45
42 => the blisters => shortnin' bread => Audition 45
43 => the rotary connection => soul man => Chess 45
44 => bob azzam => shish kebab => Festival EP
45 => leny eversong => jezebel => Coral EP