2013 May shows HOME
2013-05-05 Ungawa 106.7 FM (2-hours show)
(45s from Oth… to Pop...: pt93)
1 => brigitte bardot =>
ecoute le temps => Silva Screen EP
2 => robert ripa => seize tonnes => Vogue 45
3 => delphine desyeux => je suis la tigresse => Silva
Screen EP
4 => les guitares => chris-craft => Philips 45
5 => les guitares => neptune => Philips 45
6 => the emblem's => the thrust pt1 => Floridita LP
7 => the antennas => be yourself => Thunderbike LP
8 => charlie russo => goofin' => Floridita LP
9 => wayne cochran => linda lu => Thunderbike LP
10 => john bunyan's progressive pilgrims => spaced out
=> Alshire LP
11 => fuzz => fuzz's fourth dream => Trouble In Mind
12 => ty segall band => the tongue => In The Red 10"
13 => miracle workers => that ain't me =>
Glitterhouse LP
14 => the bohemian bedrocks => you're too much =>
Screaming Apple LP
15 => the jekylls => private party => Dig! 45
16 => the fuzztones => pipe dream => Cleopatra CD
17 => los infraseres => ungaga unga unga => Sunny Day
18 => de bossen => g-shirt => Kinky Star 45
19 => curlee wurlee => you are on your own => Larsen
20 => j.j. jackson => that ain't right => Warner Bros
21 => the others => that's your problem => Zebra 45
22 => the otherside => haunted house => Kelt EP
23 => otis optic & the option people => micrograms
=> Le Trip 45
24 => the outcasts => swamp fever => New Rose 45
25 => ouida & the numbers => yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
=> Modern 45
26 => the outlets => surprise partie à sankt pauli =>
Modern Monkey 45
27 => the outsideinside => where's captain kirk? =>
Get Hip 45
28 => the pack bold girls => satisfaction guaranteed
=> Bricolage EP
29 => the pandoras => i didn't cry => Dionysus 45
30 => panty boy => barracuda => Demolition Derby 45
31 => the paranoiacs => i need you => Twist EP
32 => the pebbles => i wanna be loved by you =>
Planet Pimp 45
33 => the percolators => goo goo muck => Mental
Disorder EP
34 => period pains => daddy i want a pony => Damaged
Goods 45
35 => the perverts => i wanna come back from the world
of lsd => Demolition Derby 45
36 => the phantom surfers => orbitron => Estrus EP
37 => pierced arrows => caroline => Tombstone 45
38 => pink slip daddy => rock old sputnik to the moon
=> Get Hip 45
39 => plastic bertrand => jacques cousteau => RKM 45
40 => the pop rivets => glanced the look => M.T.
Sounds EP
41 => frank popp ensemble & sam paglia => stripper
girl => Cinedelic 45
2013-05-19 Ungawa 106.7 FM
(2-hours show)
(45s from Pri... to Rad...: pt94)
1 => jean-jacques perrey
=> la panthere cosmique => Pulp Flavor LP
2 => bernard estardy => vertigo leitmotiv => Nascente
3 => andrzej dabrowski & zesp => powrot =>
Nascente CD
4 => guy pedersen => indian pop bass => Nascente CD
5 => jean-jacques perrey => music => Pulp Flavor LP
6 => billy mure => guitars in space => MGM LP
7 => vigor fisher => al caplone => Thunderbike LP
8 => prince of wales stars => al capone => Disc AZ 45
9 => henry clement & the trojans => trojan's walla
=> Floridita LP
10 => la lupe => fever => Peerless 45
11 => pierre-alain dahan & mat camison => long
playing time => Nascente CD
12 => bernard lubat => aubergine time => Nascente CD
13 => lafayette & the lasabres => free way =>
Floridita LP
14 => bobby pedrick jr => white bucks and saddle shoes
=> Big Top 45
15 => joe cocker => i'll cry instead => Thunderbike
16 => die totenhosen => i feel fine => Virgin 45
17 => de bossen => car => Kinky Star LP
18 => the others => gimme love => Detour 45
19 => hugo montenegro => hot crawfish => Floridita LP
20 => billy mure => tiger guitars => MGM LP
21 => l. hollis & the mack-a-do's => bui bui =>
Floridita LP
22 => manu dibango => africadelic => Nascente CD
23 => primal scream => the revenge of the hammond
connection => Creation 45
24 => the primeteens => i can only give you everything
=> Destination X 45
25 => les primitives => give them a rope => Surf
Piranha Int flexi45
26 => the primitives => shadow => Lazy 45
27 => los primos => pretty flamingo => Crypt 45
28 => the professionals => white light white heat =>
Virgin 45
29 => link protrudi & the jaymen => money =>
Skoda EP
30 => psychodaisy => du hast mich => Soundflat 45
31 => the psychotic reaction => writing on the wall
=> Detour EP
32 => the psychotic petunias => louie louie => Mayhem
33 => psychotic situation => the crusher => Vi-nil 45
34 => the psychotones => don't wanna be your fool =>
Nicotine 45
35 => the puritans => grace hotel => Mr. Spaceman 45
36 => the purple helmets => i'm a man => New Rose 45
37 => the purple merkins => purple merkin power =>
What Wave 45
38 => the pussycats => my baby cried all night long
=> Thunderbaby EP
39 => the queen hornets => peepin' tom => Vendetta 45
40 => the queers => get over you => Lookout 45
41 => the radiators => psychotic reaction =>
Big Beat EP