2013 October shows                                HOME

2013-10-06  |  2013-10-20 

2013-10-06 Ungawa 106.7 FM (2-hours show)
(LPs from Beat… to Blue...: pt103) 

1 => wild billy childish => oh mein gott baader meinhoff => Squoodge 45
2 => fury 1-6-1 => ain't no friend of mine => Tear It Up EP
3 => fuzz => 21st century schizoid man => In The Red 45
4 => wild billy childish => on wenlock edge => Squoodge 10"
5 => jim friis & the valiants => serpents & sinners => Sheik LP
6 => bill cardille => chilly billy's vamp => Now Sound LP
7 => linda => that crazy feeling => Sheik LP
8 => the big three => the banjo song => FM 45
9 => hot club 69 => caravan => Tune LP
10 => ariane => un, deux, trois => Palette 45
11 => steve arlen => a plein coeur => Panorama 45
12 => louis armstrong => shadrack => Brunswick 45
13 => eddy arnold => sixteen tons => RCA-Victor 45
14 => the arrows => cycle-delic => Tower 45
15 => bud ashton => hava nagila => Teeny 45
16 => bob asklof => maint'nant => Columbia EP (="Right now")
17 => the astronauts => linda lou => RCA-Victor 45
18 => the astro-notes => rocket to the moon => Apollo11 45
19 => chet atkins => boo boo stick beat => RCA 45
20 => isabelle aubret => jezebel => Philips EP
21 => julie driscoll, brian auger & the trinity => black cat => Marmalade 45
22 => the strypes => i can tell => Virgin LP

23 => the silver beatles => three cool cats => Audiofidelity LP
24 => loren becker => istanbul => Command LP
25 => harry belafonte => will his love be like his rum? => RCA LP
26 => harold betters => papa-ooh-mau-mau => Reprise LP
27 => big jullien & his all stars => an oscar for eddy => Sonorama LP
28 => big jullien & his all stars => wake the monster => Sonorama LP
29 => nat bigwan => excusez-moi, monsieur le professeur => RCA-Victor LP
30 => ronnie bird => s.o.s. mesdemoiselles => Philips LP
31 => nat bigwan => la poupee qui fait non => RCA-Victor LP
32 => ronnie bird => les filles en sucre d'orge => Philips LP
33 => the black jacks => foot stompin' music => Joker LP
34 => hal blaine => money => RCA LP
35 => hal blaine => cannonball => RCA LP
36 => the blizzards => dr. jekyll => Fontana LP
37 => blue birds => spinning wheel => CBS LP
38 => les blousons noirs => twist a st. tropez => Born Bad LP
39 => ronnie bird => ne t'en fais pas pour ronnie => Philips LP (="A legal matter")
40 => les blousons noirs => eddie sois bon => Born Bad LP (="Johnny B Goode")
41 => the blizzards => i'm your guy => Fontana LP
42 => hal blaine => drums a go go => RCA LP
43 => loren becker => caravan => Command LP

2013-10-20 Ungawa 106.7 FM  (2-hours show)
(LPs from Blue... to Brian...: pt104)

1 => floyd dakil four => kitty kitty => Earth 45
2 => the individuals => i really do => Raven 45
3 => the grim reepers => two souls => Chalon 45
4 => speedball jr => beat girl => Green Cookie CD
5 => the aztex => i said move => Staff 45
6 => the avalanches => avalanche => Warner Bros 45
7 => les aymara => al bondy cha-cha => Barclay 45
8 => bob azzam => shish kebab => Festival EP
9 => baby huey & the baby sitters => messin' with the kid => St. Lawrence 45
10 => luis bacalov => roma bene => Il Giuaguaro EP
11 => baby dee => sittin' here wond'rin' => Cardinal 45
12 => the bad boys => the owl and the pussycat => Piccadilly 45
13 => doc bagby => mix it up => V-Tone 45
14 => the bagels => yeah yeah yeah => Warner Bros 45
15 => the baja marimba band => comin' in the back door => London 45
16 => the balloon farm => hurtin' for your love => Laurie 45
17 => homer banks => a lot of love => Minit 45
18 => the barbarians => are you a boy or are you a girl? => Laurie 45
19 => brigitte bardot => le diable est anglais => DiscAZ 45
20 => the bar-kays => give everybody some => Stax 45
21 => j.j. barnes => say it => Ric-Tic 45
22 => les baronets => est-ce que tu m'aimes? => Franco 45  (="Do you love me?")

23 => blue cheer => parchment farm => Philips LP
24 => the blues magoos => sometimes i think about => Mercury LP
25 => bohemian vendetta => riddles & fairytales => Mainstream LP
26 => graham bond organisation => wade in the water => Charly LP
27 => graham bonney => it ain't right => EMI LP
28 => booker t & the mg's => booker loo => Atlantic LP
29 => booker t & the mg's => foxy lady => Stax LP
30 => the boss guitars => bazooki => Kapp LP
31 => earl bostic => canadian sunset => King LP
32 => earl bostic => that's the groovy thing pt1 => Gusto LP
33 => andre brasseur => periferic => Pathe Marconi LP
34 => andre brasseur => funky => Palette LP
35 => brian => rainbow chaser => Ronnex LP
36 => bohemian vendetta => i wanna touch your heart => Mainstream LP
37 => the blues magoos => i'll go crazy => Mercury LP
38 => graham bond organisation => train time => Charly LP
39 => booker t &  the mg's => one mint julep => Atlantic LP
40 => the boss guitars => goldfinger => Kapp LP