2015 October shows
2015-10-04 | 2015-10-18
2015-10-04 Ungawa 106.7 FM (2-hours show)
(LPs from VIA... to WIL...: pt 135)
1 => adolphe
sex & ses machines => blinker beat =>
Soundflat 45
2 => herbert o & die beatniks 62 => es ist
schon spat => Digatone LP
3 => franco micalizzi => amazons & supermen 54
=> LP
4 => romano rizzati => shake 5b => LP
5 => albert verrecchia => hallucination strip 11
=> LP
6 => the slaves => you are the only one =>
Digatone LP
7 => adolphe sex & ses machines => baseball
=> Soundflat 45
8 => the virtues => guitar in orbit => Hunt 45
9 => bill haley & the comets => chiquita linda
=> Brunswick 45
10 => the hi fives => fujikami the warrior =>
Crypt 2LP
11 => the royal playboys => bring it back =>
Crypt 2LP
12 => jerry ashley => come on => Crypt 2LP
13 => plasticland => fairytale hysteria =>
Enigma LP
14 => de kliko’s => lere jekkie => Geertruida
15 => marcel bontempi => witch girl =>
Stag-o-lee LP
16 => the bomboras => the creature from the lava
lagoon => Dionysus LP
17 => the tone zones => invasion => Heaven
Hotel LP
18 => al taylor & the poodles => the swivel
=> United Artists 45
19 => grace tennessee & the american spirits
=> pow wow => WLS 45
20 => the three suns => the creep => RCA Victor
21 => tim tam & the turn-ons => opelia =>
Palmer 45
22 => the tornadoes => jungle fever => London
23 => the tremeloes => instant whip => CBS 45
24 => the tropicals => african fever => Blue
Jeans 45
25 => trumpet boy => le claqueur des doigts =>
Philips EP
26 => the twangy gang => vampyr’s sunday afternoon
=> Rex 45
27 => boris vian & magali noel => fais-moi
mal, johnny => Philips LP
28 => the vibrations => one mint julep => Epic
29 => the viscounts => chug-a-lug => Amy LP
30 => gene vincent => space ship to mars =>
Sounds Superb LP
31 => the v.i.p.’s => that’s my woman =>
Funtona LP
32 => the viscounts => the touch => Amy LP
33 => the vibrations => soul a go-go => Epic LP
34 => the v.i.p.’s => wintertime => Funtona LP
35 => gene vincent => la-den-da-den-da-da =>
Sounds Superb LP
36 => the wailers => shivers => Etiquette LP
37 => john wallis => big apple => Varieton LP
38 => the who => much too much => Brunswick LP
39 => the wild angels => sweetness => Frog LP
40 => harlow wilcox & the oakies => milk cow
blues => Plantation LP
41 => andre williams => thunder thighs =>
Soul-Tay-Shus LP
42 => charles wilp => bunny => Vogue LP
43 => the wailers => zig zag => Etiquette LP
44 => john wallis => jaguar => Varieton LP
45 => harlow wilcox & the oakies => yellow
bird => Plantation LP
46 => charles wilp => purple playmate => Vogue
47 => the who => i’m a man => Brunswick LP
48 => muddy waters => herbert harpers free press
=> Cadet Concept LP
2015-10-18 Ungawa 106.7 FM
(2-hours show)
(LPs from WOLF...
to ZOD...: pt 136)
1 => the jags
=> the hunch => Decca 45
2 => the vel-tones => cal’s tune => Coy 45
3 => the meteors => electro => Mad Pig 45
4 => jesse garon & l’age d’or => c’est lundi
=> Polydor 45
5 => bj’s new breed => one man woman => Time
For Action 45
6 => bj’s new breed => iI’m sorry => Time For
Action 45
7 => the dukes of hamburg => sorry => Moonshake
8 => the recalls => wait for the sun =>
Moonshake LP
9 => seger liberation army => heavy music =>
Big Neck 45
10 => raw meat => stand-by girl => Riding Easy
11 => sielwolf => dachau blues => Parade
Amoureuse LP
12 => fabienne => cours si tu as peur => Ace
International LP
13 => the squares => night and day => Hangman
14 => the jags => cry wolf => Decca 45
15 => red hot russell => stop! => Inferno LP
16 => zouzou => demain => Ace International LP
17 => the recalls => can’t be fine => Moonshake
18 => the squares => no excuse => Hangman
19 => mavis camlock => karate time => One Shot
20 => rusty day => i gotta move pt1 => One Shot
21 => wolfman jack => can’t sit down => Bread
22 => link wray => creepy => Sundazed LP
23 => wynder k frog => jumping jack flash =>
United Artists LP
24 => jean yanne => superchic genial => Barclay
25 => the yardbirds => i’m not talking =>
Charly LP
26 => los yorks => mira tu => Mag LP
27 => los young beats => as tears go by =>
Break-a-way LP
28 => the young lovers => green tambourine =>
Design LP
29 => jacques ysaye => tequila => Palette LP
30 => the young lovers => the black queen’s beads
=> Design LP
31 => wynder k frog => hi-heel sneakers =>
United Artists LP
32 => the zodiac cosmic sounds => libra – the
flower child => Elektra LP
33 => wolfman jack => wolfman boogie pt1 =>
Bread LP
34 => los young beats => baby please don’t go
=> Break-a-way LP
35 => los yorks => el viaje => Mag LP (= “The
36 => link wray => heartbreak hotel =>
Sundazed LP
37 => jean yanne => luttons pour le marché commun
=> Barclay LP
38 => jacques ysaye => evening beat => Palette
39 => the zodiac cosmic sounds => sagittarius –
the versatile daredevil => Elektra LP