2017 November shows
2017-11-12 | 2017-11-26
2017-11-07 | 2017-11-21
2017-11-07 Grow Your Own 106.7 FM
1 => france
gall => der computer n° 3
2 => peggy peters => aus => (= “Shout")
3 => suzie => da doo ron ron
4 => die jacob sisters => was hab’ ich dir getan
=> (= “Stop in the name of love”)
5 => vicky => messer, gabel, schere, licht
6 => inga => the beat goes on
7 => joy fleming => geld => (= “Respect”)
8 => sandra haas => kleiner mann
9 => uli roever => heisser sand auf sylt
10 => james last => soul march
11 => the inner space => kamera song
12 => mary roos => blauer montag => (= “Mas que
13 => marianne mendt => wie ein glock’n
14 => howard carpendale => du hast mich
15 => france gall => hippie hippie
16 => was tun band => es geht
17 => kuno & the marihuana brass => marihuana
18 => the counts => rosen
19 => vivi bach & dietmar schönherr => molotow
cocktail party
20 => harry david quintett => lsd 3000
21 => the hubbubs => nachts in chicago
22 => herbert o & die beatniks 62 => es ist
schön spat
23 => franco runa => komm, little girl
24 => die beat oma => ich bin die beat oma
25 => die sweetles => ich wunsch’ mir zum
geburtstag einen beatle
26 => ruth brandin => mich hat noch keiner beim
twist geküsst
27 => renate kern => der wassermann => (=
28 => simone => gelegenheit macht diebe
29 => topsy küppers => sagen sie, frau zimmermann
30 => patty pay => bilder und briefe
31 => manuela & die 5 dops => küsse unterm
32 => die sweetles => die schule ist aus
33 => marion => er ist wieder da
2016-11-12 Ungawa 106.7 FM
(2-hours show)
1 => lollipop
shoppe => you must be a witch => BFD LP
2 => the weeds => it's your time => Teenbeat
Club 45
3 => lollipop shoppe => who's it gonna be =>
Reel Time LP
4 => dead moon => day after day => Tombstone 45
5 => dead moon => in the altitudes => Tombstone
6 => dead moon => parchment farm => Tombstone
7 => dead moon => graveyard => Music Maniac LP
8 => dead moon => crazy to the bone =>
Tombstone LP
9 => pierced arrows => little did i know =>
Tombstone 45
10 => pierced arrows => in my brain =>
Tombstone 45
11 => bone cellar => track marks => Tombstone
12 => dead moon => it's ok => Record Junkie 45
13 => the fuzztones => you must be a witch =>
Situation Two 45
14 => king arthur's quart => they're gonna take
you away => Misty Lane EP
15 => teddy & his patches => from day to day
=> Chance 45
16 => boss tweads => goin' away => Get Hip 45
17 => downliners sect => showbiz => Raw 45
18 => wild billy childish & ctmf => in a
parallel world => Damaged Goods 45
19 => thee mvp's => lie detector => Bachelor EP
20 => marcel bontempi => haunted house =>
Stag-o-lee 45
21 => curlee wurlee => c'est destructif =>
Chaputa EP
22 => the senior service => depth charge =>
Damaged Goods 45
23 => las munjitas del fuzz => pecado =>
Groovie 45 (= "Chicago")
24 => the staggers => let's stomp =>
Copasedisques EP
25 => the moving sounds => treehouse horror =>
Copasedisques EP
26 => the meanie geanies => stormy => Fuzz
Overdose 45
27 => the sleepwalkers => werewolf =>
Gravediggers EP
28 => the creatures of the golden dawn => blood
from a stone => Butterfly EP
29 => les rivals => fruitcake => Mauvaise Foire
30 => les rivals => who are you? => Close Up 45
31 => the hoods => empty head => Get Hip 45
32 => the hoods => never got thru => Screaming
Apple 45
33 => the black hollies => hush => Ernest
Jenning 45
34 => the coffin lids => tonight you're going to
die in my garage => Alleycat EP
35 => curlee wurlee => everyday of my life =>
Chaputa EP
36 => the dansettes => forty days => Ernest
Jenning 45
37 => les little searchers => making time =>
Larsen EP
38 => the moving sounds => do the wolf =>
Copasedisques EP
39 => nitrobrew => she's my witch => Larsen EP
40 => marcel bontempi => the clock strikes 3 =>
Stag-o-lee 45
41 => the ultra twist => still not going =>
Vinyl Junkie EP
42 => les rivals => sugar babies => Mauvaise
Foire 45
43 => the weeds => little girl => Teenbeat Club
2017-11-21 Grow Your Own 106.7 FM
1 => illes
=> holdfeny 69
2 => illes => atkozott feltekenyseg
3 => illes => bubajosok
4 => omega => tuzvihar
5 => omega => nem tilthatom meg
6 => omega => rettenetes emberek
7 => eva nagy => ez az utolso randevunk
8 => dogs => hova siet ez az elet
9 => skorpio => szevasz haver
10 => meteor & demjen ferenc => kivanj te is
nekem szepijo ejszakat
11 => zalatnay sarolta => had mondjam el
12 => kati kovacs => add mar uram az esot
13 => bergendy => gaudeamus igitur
14 => bergendy => hetkoznapy balladak
15 => trubadurzy => gdy ona mowi tak, mysle nie
16 => piotr pastor & slonce => fruwam po ziemi
17 => filipinki => hej nam, hej
18 => klan => automaty
19 => klan => nie sadzcie rajskich jabloni
20 => krzysztof klenczon & trzy korony =>
spotkanie z diablem
21 => niemen => niepotrzebi
22 => hungaria => repul a varazsszonyeg
23 => hungaria & miklos fenyo => egyszer vagy
24 => illes => menekulles
25 => gabi fenyvesi & express => ha cask egy
fokkal szebbaz ordognel
26 => omega => sotet a varos
27 => pannonia => sohse halok meg
28 => szorenyi leventi & illes => kis virag
2017-11-26 Ungawa 106.7 FM
(2-hours show)
1 => marcel
bontempi => bury all my troubles => Twi-Lite 45
2 => charles blackwell => death valley =>
Croydon Municipal
3 => red river dave => California hippie murders
=> Nasty LP
4 => serge gainsbourg & jean-claude vannier =>
colin-maillard => Finders Keepers LP
5 => mike & bernie winters => fallout shelter
=> Croydon Municipal
6 => vibravoid => apollo 69 => Stoned Karma LP
7 => king gizzard & the lizard wizard => i’m
in your mind fuzz => Heavenly LP
8 => king gizzard & the lizard wizard =>
cellophane => Heavenly LP
9 => the heart attacks => babba diddy baby =>
Punch Out LP
10 => deviled ham => frenzy => Super K LP
11 => eddie kochak => mambo arabia => Jazzman
12 => koko => ali baba twist => Fontana EP
13 => l’abbé noel colombier => jette la pierre
=> Disc AZ EP
14 => patricia => mes rêves de satin =>
Columbia EP (= “Nights in white satin”)
15 => nancy wilson => out of this world =>
Capitol 45
16 => benny welton => the gambler => Decca 45
17 => the sauter-finnegan orchestra => science
fiction 45
18 => the hollies => wheels on fire =>
Parlophone 45
19 => bikini machine => have love will travel
=> Platinum CD
20 => the squares => you ain’t square => Wild
Wild EP
21 => the cryptics => you’re evil => Primitive
22 => the sound explosion => why can’t you see
=> Dionysus 45
23 => the nackers => smash your head off =>
Vinyl Junkie EP
24 => los fregaplatos => ritual => I Shit In
The Milk 45
25 => the squares => nobody loves you =>
Wild Wild EP
26 => the ultra twist => still not going =>
Vinyl Junkie EP
27 => the sound explosion => I’ll shake the
universe => Dionysus 45
28 => howard carpendale => du hast mich =>
Columbia 45
29 => stereophonic space sound unlimited =>
vampire walk => Dionysus LP
30 => stereophonic space sound unlimited => blues
for k => Dionysus LP
31 => stereophonic space sound unlimited =>
kowalski => Dionysus LP
32 => the sons of bido lito => avalanche =>
Dirty Water 45
33 => the mant from uncle => fuzz from planet x
=> Lance Rock 45
34 => the staggers => black hearse cadillac =>
Copasedisques EP
35 => asteroid b-612 => i ain’t no miracle worker
=> Roto 45
36 => the psykicks => revenge of the living dead
=> Action EP
37 => the brooms => bang => Groovie EP
38 => the beatpack => she’s all dressed in black
=> State 45
39 => purple merkins => ain’t it hard =>
Dionysus EP
40 => the brooms => zombie avenue => Groovie EP
41 => the overcoat => season of the witch =>
Face 45
42 => the stoneage hearts => suzie => Butterfly