2018 December shows
2018-12-09 | 2018-12-23
2018-12-09 Ungawa 106.7 FM (2-hours show)
1 => the
fuzztones => night of the vampire => Bang 2LP
2 => buzzcocks => wish i never loved you =>
Damaged Goods 45
3 => kyra rubella & the shanks => orgasm
addict => Damaged Goods 45
4 => the fuzztones => don’t speak ill of the dead
=> Bang 2LP
5 => the limiñanas => witches valley => Because
Music 2LP
6 => the debutantes => a new love today => Beat
Rocket LP
7 => tammy st.john => concerning love => Spoke
8 => the debutantes => caravan => Beat Rocket
9 => the aire-dales => drumsville => Roulette
10 => claude channes => mao mao => Disques
Robespierre LP
11 => monty => j’ai traverse l’enfer =>
Barclay EP
12 => nicky nicolas => pour les miss => Disques
Robespierre LP
13 => messe blanche => messe blanche =>
Boss-a-tone LP
14 => the death letters => schizophrenic =>
Stag-o-lee 45
15 => the feelers => nothing always => Bachelor
16 => the kryng => don’t dig these modern times
=> Munster 2LP
17 => the limiñanas => the mirror => Because
Music 2LP
18 => ruth christie => this must be love =>
Stag-o-lee 10”
19 => the eloise trio => similau => Stag-o-lee
20 => bobby darin => similau => Stag-o-lee 10”
21 => allen page => sugar tree => Stag-o-lee LP
22 => carl stevens => the call of the jungle =>
Stag-o-lee 10”
23 => joe bisko => beware of the 4-d witch =>
Modern Harmonic 2LP
24 => doris wishman => my brothers’s wife =>
Modern Harmonic 2LP
25 => alan hawkshaw => the action scene =>
Modern Harmonic 2LP
26 => armando sciascia => easy macumba =>
Modern Harmonic 2LP
27 => raul & the revelations => a sweet
sickness => Modern Harmonic 2LP
28 => dole berry => hot thrills warm chills =>
Modern Harmonic 2LP
29 => mandarin gate => it’s a revolution mother
=> Modern Harmonic 2LP
30 => kati kovacs & Juventus => wind, komm,
bring den regen her => Boss-a-tone LP
31 => the roadrunners => lsd => Vostok LP
32 => 21st century => hard act to follow = Spoke
33 => the smoke => no more now => Vostok LP
34 => louisiana red => little girl, take your time
=> Doghouse & Bone LP
35 => alan knight => chills => Outta Sight LP
36 => jay dee bryant => get it => Stag-o-lee
37 => denny ezba => susie-q => Stag-o-lee 10”
38 => bill shepherd => johnny staccato =>
Rainbow EP
39 => perez prado => la faraona => RCA EP
40 => ixtahuele => el naddaha => Subliminal
Sounds LP
41 => bill shepherd => echo-four-two => Rainbow
42 => the fuzztones => d.o.a. => Bang 2LP
43 => ray woolf & the avengers => little
things that happen => Vostok LP
44 => the feelers => zombies => Bachelor 45
45 => buzzcocks => don’t matter what they say
=> Damaged Goods 45
2018-12-23 Ungawa 106.7 FM
(2-hours show)
1 => johnny keating & the
z-men => getaway => Doghouse & Bone
2 => the don palmer quintet => lolita
=> Jukebox Music Factory LP
3 => orchestra aris alba => alba’s shake
=> Stag-o-lee 10”
4 => lavern baker => batman to the
rescue => Doghouse & Bone LP
5 => the mar-keys => bo-time => Stax
6 => lindsey meehan => where is she
=> Buddha 45
7 => lenny dee => caravan => Omega 45
8 => the fabulous jokers => man of
mystery => Arcade 45
9 => the packabeats => gypsy beat =>
Parlophone 45
10 => carlo => fever => Psychic
Circle CD
11 => thane russal & three =>
security => Doghouse & Bone LP
12 => adam’s recital => there’s no room
for lonely people => Cameleon 45
13 => psychotic turnbuckles => hot
generation => Rattlesnake MLP
14 => ero guro => no nonsense =>
Belly Button EP
15 => der herr kam über sie => she
cracked => Strange Ways LP
16 => the limiñanas & pascal comelade
=> silent night => Because Music 2LP
17 => drella’s dreamy drops => what goes
on => Strange Ways LP
18 => bored => c.s.m. (no way) =>
Glitterhouse LP
19 => psychotic turnbuckles =>
strychnine => Rattlesnake MLP
20 => the fuzztones => be forewarned
=> Bang 2LP
21 => the limiñanas => la cavalerie
=> Because Music 2LP
22 => betty dickson => shanty tramp
=> Modern Harmonic 2LP
23 => the huntington astronauts => yipes
stripes => Modern Harmonic 2LP
24 => billy lee riley => speed lovers
=> Modern Harmonic 2LP
25 => lee dowell => be a black belt
=> Modern Harmonic 2LP
26 => the ladybirds => at the blue bunny
=> Modern Harmonic 2LP
27 => tony & cetra => i want a woman
=> Modern Harmonic 2LP
28 => john gabriel => love cool =>
Modern Harmonic 2LP
29 => neil patrick => love goddess =>
Modern Harmonic 2LP
30 => meg myles => the female of species
=> Modern Harmonic 2LP
31 => larry’s rebels => whatcha gonna do
about it => Vostok LP
32 => antoine => le marchand de temps
=> Vogue EP
33 => jo alan => mon week-end =>
Vogue 45
34 => georges aber => jericho => Vega
35 => joanie sommers => why don’t you do
right => Jukebox Music Factory LP
36 => the don randi trio => he said, she
said => Reprise 45
37 => morgus & the 3 ghouls =>
morgus the magnificent => Jukebox Music
Factory LP
38 => the zodiacs => caravan =>
Norton EP
39 => keetie & the kats => way out
=> Doghouse & Bone LP
40 => the zodiacs => jungle beat =>
Norton EP
41 => carl stevens => the call of the
jungle => Stag-o-lee 10”
42 => the rhum runners => nefertiti
=> Munster 2LP
43 => barry martin => minnie the moocher
=> Stag-o-lee 10”
44 => ero guro => male pornstars =>
Belly Button EP
45 => the fuzztones => this sinister
urge => Bang 2LP
46 => the vee-jays => take it as it
comes => Strange Ways LP