2020 October shows
2020-10-11 | 2020-10-25
2020-10-11 Ungawa 106.7 FM
1 => the senior service => the
contender => Damaged Goods LP
2 => johnny & the volumes => ticker tape =>
Headshake LP
3 => william loveday intention => my love for you
=> Damaged Goods LP
4 => mitraille => extracting pus and machinations
=> Ronny Rex EP
5 => thee fine lines => i’d die => Screaming
Apple LP
6 => the gorgons => dig! => Demolition Derby EP
7 => the green hornets => stolen car =>
Alopecia EP
8 => the senior service => the hornet =>
Damaged Goods LP
9 => the masonics => no desire for revenge =>
Vinyl Japan LP
10 => william loveday intention => a la mort
surbite => Damaged Goods 45
11 => earls of suave => a cheat => Camden Town
12 => the bongolian => moscow queen => Blow Up
13 => the senior service => king cobra =>
Damaged Goods LP
14 => hubb capp & the wheels => fast freight
(to phoenix) => Headshake LP
15 => les baxter => boomada => Capitol LP
16 => les baxter => sinner man => Capitol 45
17 => the picknick’s => bonnie rock => Omega 45
18 => q65 => cry in the night => Decca 45
19 => blue cheer => just a little bit =>
Philips 45
20 => the balloon farm => a question of
temperature => Laurie 45
21 => the blackburds => absolument hyde park =>
Philips EP
22 => the contours => shake sherry => Oriole 45
23 => shirley ellis => sugar, let’s shing-a-ling
=> CBS 45
24 => the thunderbirds => delilah jones =>
Paris Hollywood LP
25 => the goofers => my babe => Coral 45
26 => the night beats => exotic => Paris
Hollywood LP
27 => georgia drake => misirlou => Paris
Hollywood LP
28 => the grand prees => jungle fever => Paris
Hollywood LP
29 => tony murena => tabu => Paris Hollywood LP
30 => johnny & the debonaires => the
bonecracker => Paris Hollywood LP
31 => the rumblers => it’s a gas => Paris
Hollywood LP
32 => jc davis => the chicken scratch => Paris
Hollywood LP
33 => the fabulous penetrations => the king’s
palace introduction => Headshake LP
34 => johnny c & the blazes => inferno =>
Dionysus LP
35 => the vampires => the glob => Paris
Hollywood LP
36 => the belfast gypsies => secret police =>
Dionysus LP
37 => the seeds => tripmaker => Bam-Caruso LP
38 => the players => the rebel => Dionysus LP
39 => the ace-tones => green slime => Music
Maniac LP
40 => the seeds => pictures and designs =>
Bam-Caruso LP
41 => thee fine lines => you’re so fine =>
Screaming Apple LP
42 => the masonics => jessie turner => Vinyl
Japan LP
43 => the senior service => four coffins =>
Damaged Goods LP
44 => the bongolian => tortoise walk => Blow Up
45 => the memories => little bitty girl =>
Dionysus LP
46 => les baxter => calypso => Capitol LP
2020-10-25 Ungawa 106.7 FM
1 => thee milkshakes =>
ambassador of love => Big Beat EP
2 => the fuzztones => new york new york =>
Cleopatra LP
3 => slift => it’s coming => Vicious Circle 2LP
4 => sunshine theatre => mountain => Hyperloop
5 => the surf trio => back to my cave =>
Dionysus EP
6 => stovepipe => born to jive => Jezus Factory
7 => the hypnomen => hush => Gearhead 10”
8 => cool jerks => garçon garçon => Larsen 45
9 => sheetah & les weismuller => acid toxic
=> Disconfusion LP
10 => les 1515 => hou! j’ai pris sa main =>
Palette EP
11 => héléna => dizzy => Philip 45
12 => jean leccia => caravane => Disc AZ EP
13 => artie shaw => temptation => RCA EP
14 => los llopis => rock-habilidad => Zafiro EP
15 => los teen tops => el rock de la carcel =>
Fontana EP ( =”jailhouse rock”)
16 => fury 161 => git some => Tear It Up 10”
17 => sonic litter => level => Motorwolf 10”
18 => zzz => house of sin => Excelsior LP
19 => the hypnomen => need no doctor =>
Gearhead 10”
20 => the satelliters => part time passions =>
Dionysus LP
21 => plasticland => in my black and white =>
Midnight 45
22 => the fuzztones => psilocybe => Cleopatra
23 => the omens => yeah-yeah! => Hipsville 45
24 => the reaction => go wild => Handclap 45
25 => moon duo => animal => Sacred Bones 45
26 => thee milkshakes => no more => Big Beat EP
27 => the tiki tones => doctor scorpio =>
Dionysus EP
28 => cool jerks => le limiteur => Larsen 45
29 => sonic litter => dirty old man =>
Motorwolf 10”
30 => the fuzztones => new kind of kick =>
Cleopatra LP
31 => les conseillers techniques => sixteen again
=> Teenage Kicks LP
32 => stovepipe => never surrender => Jezus
Factory 45
33 => the hypnomen => (i wanna get back from) trip
with satan => Gearhead 10”
34 => plasticland => flower scene => Midnight
35 => sunshine theatre => i want => Hyperloop
36 => the reaction => thunder => Handclap 45
37 => moon duo => ice => Sacred Bones LP