2020 November shows
2020-11-08 | 2020-11-22
2020-11-08 Ungawa 106.7 FM
1 => little arthur => dear mr
president => Polydor 45
2 => terry lamo => zoeloe zoeloe => Decca 45
3 => betty fransen => singapura => Teeny 45
4 => max woiski => calypso nescafe => Nescafé
45 flexi
5 => max woiski => bongo tune => Albert Heijn
45 flexi
6 => winny dobber => bongo boy => Moonglow 45
7 => ray franky => baion bongo => Decca 45
8 => will ferdy => de arme shoeshineboy =>
Olympia 45
9 => tony geys => kasamoemba cha cha cha =>
Ronnex 45
10 => tony geys => ’t is den bossa => Ronnex 45
11 => rob mando => duizend dollar => Basart 45
12 => paul severs => puzzels => Start 45
13 => brigitte & the firestrings => waarom
vertrouw je me niet meer? => Waterpipe LP
14 => wanda => de locomotion => Decca 45
15 => josé & full house => als je alle kranten
leest => Waterpipe LP
16 => peter & zijn rockets => de hele stad is
gek en dol => Philips 45
17 => mariska veres => is het waar => Waterpipe
18 => jetty stivens => jongens en meisjes =>
Teeny 45
19 => els molenaar => gezakt of geslaagd =>
Waterpipe LP
20 => fifty foot combo => doe de duif =>
Z-Braah LP
21 => the mieters => tragiek => Zo The Mieters
Muziek EP
22 => de kliko’s => niks => Geertruida LP
23 => de sp aties => alles is niks => Grey Past
24 => frenz fried & de frimo’s => dracula
=> Hup Nonomono LP
25 => the mieters => wat vond je er zelluf van?
=> Down At The Night Club LP
26 => de kliko’s => zonnebril => Geertruida LP
27 => the jokers => zet die tv af => Philips 45
28 => jo bossa => die haren moeten eraf => Les
Disques Mondiales LP
29 => the clungels => dat had ik nog nooit gedaan
=> Artone 45
30 => the softs => paarse broek => Omega 45
31 => karin kent => als ik een jongen was =>
Waterpipe LP
32 => het => alleen op het kerkhof => Fontana
33 => frenz fried & de frimo’s => he he kejje
nagaan => Hup Nonomono LP
34 => wanda => wow wow wee => Decca45
35 => the clungels => geen cent => Artone 45
36 => lode deceuster => de stille stegen =>
Cardinal 45
37 => rudy & the royal rhythmics => een gouden
maan => Funckler 45
38 => het cocktail trio => spookhuis => Omega
39 => francis bay & freddy sunder => biep!
biep! => Philips 45
40 => the petticoats => calypso feest => Ronnex
41 => henry spider => je zegt neen => Golden
Music 45
42 => de sp aties => je weet niet wat je mist
=> Grey Past LP
43 => de kliko’s => baas => Geertruida LP
2020-11-22 Ungawa 106.7 FM
1 => les robots => do the
robot => Spazz 45
2 => les robots => kill ro-man! Kill! =>
Bickerton LP
3 => rocket science => robot => Eat Sleep 45
4 => reinhard vanbergen => blue cone, ginger cone
=> Music For Dreams LP
5 => johnny gregory => theme from johnny staccato
=> Fontana EP
6 => stereophonic space sound unlimited => mummy
walk => Dionysus LP
7 => reinhard vanbergen => the pope => Music
For Dreams LP
8 => les robots => ode to yul brynner => Spazz
9 => les robots => big trouble in outer space
=> Spazz 45
10 => population II => la danse => Castle Face
11 => king gizzard & the lizard wizard => high
hopes low => Flightless LP
12 => king gizzard & the lizard wizard => god
is calling me back home => Flightless LP
13 => mac blackout => mental maze => Burka For
Everybody LP
14 => thee fine lines => feelin’ fine =>
Licorice Tree LP
15 => the hunches => jacob’s voices => In The
Red 45
16 => douglas => dans le grand désert =>
Cameleon 45
17 => davie allan & the arrows => u.f.o. =>
One Shot LP
18 => rockin’ rebels => burn baby burn => Stork
19 => travis wammack => it’s karate time => One
Shot LP
20 => sherry dinning => obion bottom land =>
SSS International 45
21 => rusty day => i gotta move => One Shot LP
22 => douglas => ça fait peur => Cameleon 45
23 => sonic litter => william => Motorwolf 10”
24 => skeptics => zeeland => Beast LP
25 => zendik => mom’s apple pie boy => Riding
Easy LP
26 => thee fine lines => do it all again =>
Licorice Tree LP
27 => the fuzztones => 53rd & 3rd =>
Cleopatra LP
28 => skeptics => go mental => Beast LP
29 => sonic litter => satisfaction guaranteed
=> Motorwolf 10”
30 => les robots => cameltoe a o-go! => Topsy
Turvy 45
31 => rockin’ rebels => bongo blue beat =>
Stork 45
32 => lenny welch => a taste of honey =>
Columbia 45
33 => johnny wells => lonely moon => One Shot
34 => les robots => the remote control stomp =>
Spazz LP
35 => les robots => whiskas watusi => Spazz 45
36 => the bongolian => googa mama => Blow Up LP
37 => king gizzard & the lizard wizard =>
garage liddiard => Flightless LP
38 => king gizzard & the lizard wizard => 30
past 7 => Flightless LP
39 => sonic litter => ungrateful peg on our minds
=> Motorwolf 10”
40 => douglas => si je buvais moins => Cameleon