2021 April shows
2021-04-11 | 2021-04-25
2020-04-11 Ungawa 106.7 FM
1 => anton lavey => temptation
=> Amarillo 10”
2 => el cramped => primitive => Trash Wax LP
3 => das clamps => primitive => Trash Wax LP
4 => the cramps => journey to the center of a girl
=> Enigma LP
5 => the fumestones => grouvie ghoulie => Wild
Eagle 45
6 => the colour collection => tell me what you see
=> Bickerton EP
7 => sgt patate => tis hoog => Wanklank EP
8 => the wailers => high wall => Golden Crest
9 => the islanders => enchanted sea =>
Mayflower 45
10 => the bikinis => fatima the dreamer =>
Stag-o-lee LP
11 => chuz alfred => caravan => Jazzman 2LP
12 => georgia gibbs => mambo baby => Mercury 45
13 => christian twins => hee-lan-koh => Philips
14 => the marketts => borealis => Warner Bros
15 => the ray mcvay sound => kinda kinky =>
Lacerba 2LP
16 => franco di gemini => ciao dal murietto
alassin => Lacerba 2LP
17 => the village callers => i don’t need no
doctor => Panatomic 2LP
18 => the john bull breed => i’m a man =>
Polydor 45
19 => terry reid => superlungs my supergirl =>
Panatomic 2LP
20 => the brigands => would i still be her big man
=> Crypt LP
21 => noel deschamps => ah, si j’avais pensé =>
RCA Victor EP
22 => the barbarians => are you a boy or are you a
girl => Laurie 45
23 => les cavemen => est-ce un garçon ou est-ce
une fille => Ronnie LP
24 => the creepy creeps => bajaj => Pig Baby LP
25 => the sonics => boss hoss => Norton 45
26 => les ombres => fainéant => Ronnie LP
27 => les mystics => mon père est millionaire
=> Ronnie LP
28 => serge franklin => exister => Ronnie LP
29 => the colour collection => quand mon esprit
n’est pas vivant => Bickerton EP
30 => georgie fame => no thanks => Panatomic
31 => the storks => lovely sue => Golden Music
32 => certain lions and tigers => fever =>
Marina 2LP
33 => new black group => jungle cry => Lafey 45
34 => les 5 gentlemen => je te veux =>
Robespierre LP
35 => billy => un petit peu de oh yeah =>
Ronnie LP
36 => les bel-air => les dégonflés => Ronnie LP
37 => les miserables => vivre avec toi =>
Ronnie LP
38 => el cramped => mean machine => Trash Wax
39 => the cramps => saddle up a buzz buzz =>
Enigma LP
40 => sgt patate => chasse patate => Wanklank
41 => the colour collection => sunflower fields
=> Bickerton EP
42 => shirley => ik ga weg => Imperial 45
2020-04-25 Ungawa 106.7 FM
=> the men from spectre => black tank => Hammond Beat
2 => chocolate watchband => loose lip sync ship =>
Big Beat LP
3 => the sting-rays => loose lip sync ship => Big
Beat 45
4 => the zombies => what more can i do => Plundered
5 => the sting-rays => another cup of tea => Big Beat
6 => kenny and the kasuals => come on kid =>
Plundered LP
7 => the sting-rays => i can satisfy you => ABC LP
8 => the sting-rays => blue girl => Big Beat LP
9 => the easybeats => wedding ring => Plundered LP
10 => thee outlets => my monkey man => Moody Monkey
11 => john musy => rock steady => CBS 45
12 => shake keane => green onions => Decca 45
13 => king curtis and the kingpins => whole lotta love
=> Atco 45
14 => sharon tandy & the fleur de lys => gotta get
enough time => Acid Jazz EP
15 => jan cremer => boom boom => Havoc 45
16 => terry knight and the pack => love, love, love,
love,love => Lucky Eleven 45
17 => terry knight and the pack => how much more =>
Plundered LP
18 => the fleur de lys => wait for me => Acid Jazz EP
19 => shelly manne and his men => peter gunn =>
Stereo 45
20 => rune overman => big boss boogie => Ronnex 45
21 => the phaetons => i love my baby => White Label
22 => road runners => road runnah => Rockin’ Wheels
23 => quitman dennis => hot tamales => Epic 45
24 => arthur murray => taboo => Capitol EP
25 => the hawaii calls orchestra => sea breeze =>
Capitol EP
26 => tauhiti => paoa moorea => PBM EP
27 => les fingers => top secret => Festival EP
28 => ronny ronato => the clock twist => Heliodor 45
29 => bernie moore => 45 rpm’s => Burdett 45
30 => tony fox => i’ve got to do it to it => Calla 45
31 => jimmy hughes => sweet things you do => Volt 45
32 => jack and jill => the chase => Josie 45
33 => prince buster => ten commandments => Philips 45
34 => springer and the barons => spouge rythm => Will
35 => the naturals => 10 to 1 => Cle-o 45
36 => outsiders => touch => Relax 45
37 => jan cremer => good morning little schoolgirl =>
Havoc 45
38 => john speaker => problem child => Vogue 45
39 => the men from spectre => white russian =>
Hammond Beat LP
40 => palooka 5 => rough magic => Raving Pop Blast LP
41 => okko bekker => ganges delta => Tramp 45
42 => the men from spectre => purple pill people =>
Hammond Beat LP
43 => lou berry => hot rod => Rockin’ Wheels EP