2022 March shows
2022-03-13 | 2022-03-27
2022-03-13 Ungawa 106.7 FM
1 => les robots => come back
if you dare => Bickerton LP
2 => les robots => bad girl => Bickerton LP
3 => mental shakedown => little red riding hood
=> Bop ‘n’ Destroy promo
4 => the akulas => rustiness => Music Mania LP
5 => b.u.r.p. => kiss the sky => Voodoo Rhythm
6 => the monsters => fever => Screaming Apple
7 => urban junior => backdoor boogie =>
Squoodge EP
8 => bloodshot bill => cry over me => Squoodge
9 => dr bontempi’s snake oil company => who do you
love? => Squoodge 45
10 => zodiac => x-rated => Uni 45
11 => the small breed => the fifth season =>
Bickerton LP
12 => the dealers => me and the ceiling fans =>
Bickerton LP
13 => the dealers => requiem for milko =>
Bickerton LP
14 => king jartur & his lords => tikini girl
=> Bickerton LP
15 => heavy times => lantern trail => Windian
16 => the strollers => in or out => Chaputa! 45
17 => ronnie bird => je voudrais dire => Decca
18 => the evil thingies => tu es impossible =>
Tear It Up EP
19 => the colour collection => quand mon esprit
n’est pas vivant => Bickerton EP
20 => ronnie bird => ce maudit journal => Decca
21 => alien sex fiend => boneshaker baby =>
Anagram 45
22 => vince ripper & the rodent show => i was
a teenage werewolf => Trashwax 45
23 => fifty foot combo & reverend beat-man =>
alligator wine => Drunkabilly 45
24 => rochee & the sarnos => rumble in the
jungle => Nervous 45
25 => mental shakedown => crimes against humanity
=> Bop ‘n’ Destroy promo
26 => the gorilla’s => it’s my life => Raw 45
27 => the premonitions => the whiskey shake =>
Bickerton 45
28 => stovepipe => never surrender => Jezus
Factory 45
29 => the arabian knights => mo-rockin’ =>
Señor Charro 2LP
30 => the eternals => r&r cha-cha => Señor
Charro 2LP
31 => the bambinos => algiers => Señor Charro
32 => the rhythm addicts => the thrill => Señor
Charro 2LP
33 => jim friis & the valiants => serpents
& spiders => Allstar 45
34 => the majestics => oasis pt2 => Chess 45
35 => dinah shore => the scene of the crime =>
United States Air Force 45
36 => the omens => searching => Cody 45
37 => art guy => where you gonna go =>
Hyperloop 45
38 => mighty wave => working the railroad =>
Vogue 45
39 => the velvet opera => don’t you realize =>
CBS 45
40 => the endless pulse => ghost man => Laurie
41 => the dealers => the evil’s spreading =>
Bickerton 45
42 => les robots => she’s not there =>
Bickerton LP
43 => paul couter => shake them => Music Mania
2022-03-27 Ungawa 106.7 FM
1 => brigitte bardot => harley
davidson => Disc AZ 45
2 => noël colombier => la chanson qui marche =>
Unidisc 45
3 => edouard => leon’s blues => CBS EP
4 => le musical collège => elle pleure => Vogue
5 => les robots => the rossumovi univerzälni
roboti waltz => Topsy Turvy EP
6 => chiff chaffs => timmy goes to town =>
Hopvil 45
7 => los cuchillos => noche de brujas en
transilvania => Groovie 45
8 => the razerbills => tarantula => Topsy Turvy
9 => dry ice => don’t munkey with the funky skunky
=> Riding Easy LP
10 => gino garrido e os psicodelicos => baby
please love me => NoSmoke LP
11 => geraldo pino => ye ye little devil =>
University Of Vice LP
12 => conjunto de oliveira muge => sospesa ad un
filo => NoSmoke LP
13 => docteur nico => sookie => Aziza LP
14 => manu dibango => african battle => Ami 45
15 => mulatu astatke & his ethiopian quintet
=> mulatu’s hideaway => Worthy LP
16 => le ry-co jazz => blue sugar => Vogue 45
17 => ginger folorunso johnson => mambo contempo
=> Melodisc 10 »
18 => dur-dur band => halelo => Wagram 2LP
19 => orquestre veve => venus => NoSmoke LP
20 => tall emma & his skippers => hammatan
=> Aziza LP
21 => impacto => knock on wood => NoSmoke LP
22 => shar habeel => dance and sheer => Aziza
23 => xaba => emavungwini => Cosmogol LP
24 => les safari => les jeunes tigres =>
NoSmoke LP
25 => françois lougah => pecoussa => Aziza LP
26 => the cyclones => tabu => Polydor LP
27 => the rwenzori’s => e ware pt2 => Aziza LP
28 => ambiance jazz => merengue willy =>
University Of Vice LP
29 => sunbust => let’s live together => Aziza
30 => os rocks => i put a spell on you =>
NoSmoke LP
31 => h.c. clementophe => pour mieux vivre =>
Aziza LP
32 => the ventures => expo seven-o => Liberty
33 => les robots => no response from albert ii
=> Topsy Turvy EP
34 => chiff chaffs => filthy kicks => hopvil 45
35 => los cuchillos => soy un animal => Groovie
36 => the surfaris => chicago green => Dot 45
37 => albert hammond => i don’t wanna die in an
air disaster => Epic 45